Generoso, excelente comunicador e naturalmente empático, André Fernandes voltou à Fernão para, de novo, surpreender os alunos com a sua histórias e "mexer" com as deles. Três sessões, uma palavra AMOR.
Ficam aqui os testemunhos dos alunos do 12º6, sem a sua identificação, alunos da professora de inglês e diretora de turma, professora Zoraida Teles.
Love is eternal
We think that André is a very good communicator. He managed to grab our attention from the beginning to the end. Initially, we thought that it was going to be boring, but we had a positive surprise, as André shared his life path, struggles, and experiences in a calm and captivating way. It was amazing how people opened up by sharing their stories to him so easily. He talked about his aunt Guida's journey with cancer and also the way he dealt with her disease. André also talked about death, and he said that we shouldn't be afraid of dying or losing loved ones because love is eternal...If we love and someone loves us, we become immortal. André struggled with a violent household and an alcoholic father, but he overcame these problems, and he showed that you can not blame your family for the way you turned out because you have the power to stop the cycle. Only you can change yourself.
On March 14th, there was a lecture at the school featuring André Fernandes, a book writer. He writes life changing books about his experience in life, what he has learned and what he thinks everyone should know. He majorly talked about a specific book called "Tia Guida" where he shows how he learned to deal with the acceptance of losing someone that he loved with his full heart. Knowing how he defeated the thought of feeling sad and losing himself over a loss. He now carries his quotes and thoughts to enlighten people and tell them that it's not the end of the world. Love can be eternal if you love and if you are loved. His mission is to touch everyone's heart, show them the power of love and the power of "letting go is loving as well". According to him we are teachers and students to everyone. We can either learn something from someone's experiences or we can teach them something from our own experiences to someone. Life is beautiful and we can't live in the past. But we can take from the past, the good memories or the lessons of it because that way we'll take something good for our future, otherwise we'll just waist our time trying to change what's done. It's called love but mostly it’s living live. We should not be afraid of speaking about death or death itself because if we live constantly in that fear, we don't just fear death, we fear life too. Remember, it's not about the others, it's about the love you give to others and the love you give to yourself. Think about it...
Today we had and amazing interaction with an author, André Fernandes, who came to talk a little about his books but mainly about his life experience.He started off talking about the intimate topic of his aunt's death which left the audience immediately connected to him, making the interaction take off in a much deeper, meaningful and fluid way. Shortly after he drove the conversation towards a friendly approach for us to talk about our experiences, and by then you could tell that he was not only very emotionally intelligent he was also knowledgeable and insightful person. All in all a memorable day and conversation for every one present.
I think it was an important session of sharing traumas and experiences that Andre had along his life specially because some of the people and mostly adults, are stuck with traumas and things to be talked about because some of them may grew up thinking, as in a different generation from us, that no one cared or that their traumatic experiences weren't relevant enough to be talked about and resolved. So most of us have unresolved issues and traumas that we just accept and forget but still affect our lives and once it’s not talked about and resolved, it reflects in our lives and most times, as adults, in the education of our children. André talked about love, being loved and love the others. to be open-minded and to learn with life. Overall, I liked everything.
I went to watch the speech of a very amazing man I met today. Yes I could tell he is amazing right away. He has a very interesting way to see life and how love is powerful in it. This way of view, which I share and agree with, made me like even more this man. He certainly knows about life and difficulties and that got my respect and to some people respect is what matters the most. I got really curious to the read all of his books. And I left the room with a doubt which was "how does Tia Guida look like?" because André was talking about his aunt and in my head I would like to know how to picture her.
Estamos muito gratos pela palestra a que hoje assistimos no auditório pois abriu-nos os olhos para ver o mundo de forma diferente graças ao André Fernandes e às suas palavras e histórias de vida. Espero que o André continue a fazer aquilo que ele gosta e a inspirar jovens a não ter medo de expressarem os seus problemas. Muito obrigado.
Eu gostei muito da palestra, achei que foi muito interessante ouvir a experiência de vida do autor e consegui perceber muitas coisas que acontecem na nossa vida em relação as pessoas que amamos e percebi também como lidar melhor com a perda de uma pessoa que nos é querida.
Esta palestra foi confortante e emocional. Acho que foi muito importante, sinto que acrescentou bastante à vida e forma de pensar de cada pessoa que a ouviu. A morte é um tema delicado e penso que o autor abordou o tema de uma forma muito inteligente e descomplicada. Gostei do facto de ele ter feito as pazes com tudo o que lhe aconteceu e de ter tido a coragem de escrever livros sobre isso e também de ir a escolas partilhar essa história com outras pessoas para as inspirar. Fiquei com curiosidade de ler os livros.
A experiência que a palestra me deu foi positiva. Pensei um pouco sobre o assunto principal do livro "Tia Guida" e ouvir as experiências e situações que o próprio autor dos livros (com quem me identifiquei bastante) e dos alunos também que estavam presentes.
Foi falado algo que me incomoda que é a "perda" e para a qual devemos ser fortes. Uma frase que André Fernandes disse é que ele pensa que o mundo é como a escola. No qual todos somos alunos e professores, ou seja, todos nós aprendemos e ensinamos.
Com a palestra também, pela primeira vez, tive coragem de falar em público e dar a conhecer aos que estavam presentes a minha experiência, pois ao ver e ouvir as experiências de André e dos meus colegas, senti-me confortável para fazer o mesmo. Nós temos que ter empatia e consciência ao mesmo tempo, pois para tudo há limite. Obrigada André pela palestra, pela paciência, pelas suas palavras doces, e também por nos pôr a refletir!
A palestra com o senhor André foi uma experiência única e maravilhosa, ouvimos a sua perspetiva sobre o amor e como ele é importante e influente nas nossas vidas.O sr.André partilhou connosco as suas experiências de vida e mostrou-nos, através delas, que a inteligência emocional é muito importante para o nosso desenvolvimento pessoal e que é muito essencial, como seres humanos, amar o próximo e amar-nos a nós mesmos.